It's silly. But it's something I always have a bit of trouble with. And a quick google search reveals I'm not the only one.
When you compete in multiple venues, and earn countless titles, where are those titles supposed to go? I mean, in relationship to each other on the dog's official name... There is an established order for AKC - registered name, followed by Obedience titles, then Rally, then Tracking, Hunting, and Agility. Except any Championship titles precede the name. In UKC, on the other hand, all titles precede the registered name. I've been told the order is supposed to be titles listed chronologically by date earned. As for any of the other performance venues (such as CDSP, USDAA, etc.) I have no idea! And then when you combine a whole bunch of them together... Oy! Now, technically, most clubs don't recognize titles from other clubs. So for instance, Tripp's AKC registration will only list titles he earned from AKC (or their approved "other" venues), his UKC registration will only list UKC titles, and so on. Even CDSP, which recognizes Obed/Rally titles from any other organization, disregards any other performance sport because it's not applicable. Therefore this should not be a true dilemma, as your versatile dog's full variety of titles will rarely be recognized in one place. But it is - those titles are your hard work, bragging rights, proof of your dog's working ability, and memories & keepsakes of an amazing partnership. Of course you want to list them all together somewhere! Which brings me back to the question, what order are they all supposed to go in? Ah, but I digress... This dilemma was actually spurred by some very exciting news! Can you guess? ;-) Yes, it involves another new title...
August 2019